In literature, salt transcends its mundane utility as a seasoning or preservative, embodying symbols of prosperity, a good life, wealth, or new beginnings. Its presence in various cultural rituals and literary forms throughout history has given it a profound symbolic weight.
The fairy, a supernatural being found in the legends, folklore, and mythology of cultures worldwide, is a symbol of goodness, using its supernatural powers to benefit humanity. Inspiration itself is often depicted as arriving with them. Despite appearing as young women, they are often endowed with wings to fly. In Turkish mythology, the concept of the fairy is evident in the stories of Dede Korkut, such as the tale of Tepegöz, and the belief in the inspirational Ak Kızlar.
We imagined Efsina as a fairy living in lakes, seas, and mountains—where salt is found—and symbolized this in our emblem. We called this fairy the "Salt Fairy." The Salt Fairy Efsina works tirelessly, day and night, with water—one of the two sources of life—to make salt, which we call "Life Crystals," available to humanity, overseeing its formation and delivery to people.
Beyond its nutritional role, salt has historically served as a symbol of well-being and wealth in Europe since ancient times. The tradition of presenting bread and salt to newlyweds symbolizes wishes for a prosperous future. Similarly, adding a pinch of salt to the bath water prepared for a newborn is believed to protect the child from the evil eye. In many European communities, offering bread, a little salt, and water in remembrance of the deceased is a common practice. Placing salt under the threshold of a new home before moving in is thought to ensure a happier life there.
In traditional Turkish shadow plays like "Karagöz" and "Ortaoyunu," the character Tuzsuz Deli Bekir appears at the end of the scenes, especially when situations become chaotic. He is known for guiding people towards the right path, standing with the good and opposing the evil, yet his rough and harsh manners instill fear around him. His character is notorious for his bravado and drunkenness.
Salt appears throughout our literary history and modern literature in tales, stories, poems, riddles, and ghazals, illustrating its pervasive and multifaceted presence.